Wednesday, December 2

Is there someone..?

....who you find nearly impossible to get the 'right' Christmas present for?
For me it changes between a couple of people in my family each year, but every year I'm stumped on one or two people.  This year it's two.

I could buy any old thing or a voucher or something but I really, really don't like doing it.  In fact I just won't do it.  I could imagine to others I might be difficult to buy for come to think of it.

Good news is, it's these two people who are the only ones who remain on my 'to buy for list'..

Who's on your 'impossible to buy for' list?
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4 lovely comments:

KirstyS said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I find my brother and sister-in-law to be hard. I was checking out the POK website and found these sets of five water bottles in a tray that you put in your fridge which look pretty cool for my SIL and well within the budget too. Now to find something for my brother...

Unknown on December 2, 2009 at 11:18 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

My Mum is so hard. VERY hard.
She isn't a girly girl, so she isn't into face creams/beauty goods, and she has NO hobbies (I am not joking.....).
This year she got a suitcase and a kaftan. I know she's fine returning things if she doesn't like them :)

Chantelle {fat mum slim} on December 3, 2009 at 6:33 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

We do Kris Kringle in my family with the budget being $100. I got Shane.

And then Shane and I spend $100 on each other, so now I get to spend $200 on him.

And then there's Lacey.

So I have it pretty easy this year. :)

And then the kids from work. And the parents, but wine will suffice for them, or a vase.

I'm sorted!

Kylie G on December 3, 2009 at 7:34 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Our families and friends do Kris Kringle and this year we pulled out the hardest people to buy for in each group! Usually they are the males who earn plenty of money and buy whatever they want when they want it, or who have no desire to own an abundance of random 'stuff'. I still have no idea what to get them.


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