my mate Shell protests that she makes the best caesar salad, and I don't want to hurt her feelings, but clearly, she's wrong.... :)
I've made this for lunch two days in a row, because (cos) I have to use all the cos before it wilts... oh alright, dodgy excuse, but it's pretty yummy, being the best caesar salad in the world and all.
So here's my recipe:
Serves 1:
3 cos lettuce leaves, washed and drained
2 slices soda or italian hard loaf bread
1 clove garlic
parmesan cheese (I use Reggiano) finely grated (to taste)
2 eggs
1 tb white vinegar
2 pieces shortcut bacon or proscuitto if you have it
dressing (this actually makes 4 times the amount of dressing, but I just store it)
1/3 cup fat-free mayo
2 anchovy fillets, mashed
1/2 tsp worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp lemon juice
couple scrapes of lemon rind.
(combine all to make dressing)
put medium saucepan with water to the boil on stove
chop lettuce roughly and put in bowl
grill bacon and bread untl browned on both sides, chop bacon when done and rub peeled garlic clove on hot bread and chop into rough squares.
when water is boiling poach eggs by adding vinegar to the water and then with a large slotted spoon, circulate the water to make a whirlpool with the water and crack the eggs into the whirlpool. once last egg has gone in don't stir anymore, just let boil for another 1.5 minutes.
meanwhite, add bacon and bread to the lettuce, add 2 tb dressing, and grate parmesan liberally over the top and then drain eggs with the slotted spoon and add on top, toss the salad, whereby the yolk should into the salad.
Devour! (and yes, that is indeed a REAL pic from my caesar yesterday!)
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2 lovely comments:
oh I do love a good cooking challenge!! Bring it Shell!
So am I bringing my Caesar to your place on the 15th? LOL Or do I have to reveal the recipe?
(and adding cos to my shopping list this week to try this out)
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