Tuesday, March 31

Organised or Tupper-tart?

It felt so good today to finally get around to tidying up my pantry. It wasn't in a huge mess but I had to put things in containers, and throw out some spoiled stuff. But I felt it was a work of art when I finished. Is this houseproud or pathetic!!??

This is only the start, my freezer and fridge are the same! I need a plastic intervention! Then again, I haven't bought any in a while... I've probably only bought 10% of my entire tupperware collection in the past 10 years... so obviously I'm not the nut I used to be but given the opportunity I would be updaing my modular mates for plain and self raising flours, white sugar which I seem to go through the most... hmm one day I'll have to have a party..

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2 lovely comments:

Courtley on March 31, 2009 at 10:18 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Love it!! I have some photos of my lovely modular mates in my pantry too. I definitely need some more though. Might have a party

Nisha on April 1, 2009 at 6:15 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

OOohh organisation and container porn! What more could i ask for!!


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