Monday, June 1

Vege garden update - Week 9

Didn't really have time to get outside yesterday and review the vege garden - that and the past week has been nothing but rain! Good for the dams but this much rain is annoying! Washing's a disaster, it's keeping us inside much more than I would like.

The front section of our yard closest to the house (where a swimming pool has been filled in) has terrible drainage - look here - I'm under about 15-20mm of water!

The vege garden is faring well, but I'm sure it could do with a little sunshine - like we all could... I might be wishing a while - considering today is officially the first day of winter.
Here's a view from the Western side of the garden:

And one of our babies - a cos lettuce seems to be surviving all the rain.

The leeks and onions we planted 3 weeks ago are coming along now

and so are the beetroots

All the peas are giving us something to eat! Here's the standards:

And the sugar snap peas which are going ballistic at the moment - my favourite plant at the moment

The beans this week are flowering more and more, a few beans growing, but only small right now.

The carrots are plentiful but sadly too small to eat right now.. more waiting!The Wombok/Chinese Cabbage is happy

And here's my cabbage patch..

I read that caulis like to have their leaves tied up over the top of their flowers to a) keep them white and b)avoid disease. I'll be doing that this week I hope.

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1 lovely comments:

Katy on June 2, 2009 at 7:55 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I can't believe how much everything has grown! Looks fantastic Liss.


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