Sunday, June 28

Vege Garden update Week 13 - First harvest!

Finally we eat from our garden!

Peas and beans are harvested - only a dozen or so pea pods at this rate but about 2 dozen long string beans! We're having them this evening with our baked dinner! Yumm!

Peas before shelling

After shelling.and here are our beans! Now our cauliflower - I have been worried about these but on reading up - it's normal for this type of cauliflower - it's a cross with a broccoli! Bizarre huh? Makes it easier for harvesting though! Our standard caulis haven't flowered yet.
Our cabbages are growing beautifully. These will be much loved in ministrone and steamed..yum.
Plot 2 - going well although some little buggies have taken a liking to our wombok. Will be using some of the newly discovered bug deterrent remedies to help ! Carrots, beans and peas there to the right.
Here's a look at plot 3 (plot 2 in back)- cos lettuce, leeks, beetroot, onion and chillis all moving along.

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2 lovely comments:

Jessi on June 29, 2009 at 7:19 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

wow!! AWESOME looking vegies there! I would love to eat some of those yummy peas and beans!! :)

greenfumb on June 29, 2009 at 8:51 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Well done, there's nothing quite like eating food you have grown yourself.

It's marmalade day here - b***y possums are getting too many so I am going to take them all off.


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