Monday, February 27

How to make Ginger Snaps

I think in life you're a ginger person or you're not.   For me definitely yes.  I love ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamon, all the aromatic spices.   It's no secret to friends of mine that gingerbread and it's descendants liebkuchen and Taai Taai are high up on the list of my favourite biscuits/cookies. When...

Friday, February 24

Chocolate cake mix cookies!

Now I'm the first person to say 'ditch the packet mix' and this isn't usually something that I would have in my cupboard, but my friend and college Nancy from the USA and loves to bake recommended I make these as she was suprised with the results... and you know I just had to know. The results are pretty good actually.  A bit cake-y,...

Sunday, February 19

Quick snack solution - DIY microwave popcorn - in under 3 minutes!

No special bags. No extra ingredients. You just need a paper lunch bag and... 1/2 cup popcorn kernels! Oh, and a microwave! When I think about the times I have caved in and bought microwave popcorn from the supermarket because I was in a hurry or just wanted to avoid the oil/washing up I'm a bit annoyed with myself now.  I needn't...

Friday, February 17

RECIPE: Shortcut slow cooker tuna pasta casserole !

Hello! As you might have guessed I've been rather time-poor recently.  My big project I've been working on has gone live - but before that one ended, I've started another 2 phases of the project and preparing another!  It's caaarazy.   So these days on the rare days I do get to cook I find myself wanting to spend time...


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