Friday, February 12

Who left the tap on?

Um.. that would be me.   I left the body tap on and depleted all my energy I think.

I think Olivia and Laura's birthday, quickly followed by Christmas, getting Eloise ready for school and now Eloise has started school (and is absolutely thriving!) my body has decided it needs a rest from the late nights and not a lot of sitting down.

So, so drained.  

We're off farmgating tomorrow with some friends, I'm looking forward to that - tonight I will spend meal planning and shopping list making (I shop for meat monthly and most veges plus some fruit monthly also).

It's a fairly involved process as I plan all the new recipes I want to try, plus the ones I plan, and dissect them into ingredients, then where I buy them for.  Takes about 1.5-2 hours but it saves me a lot of time at the shops and frustration when I don't have 'that thing' that i need to finish a recipe.  Obvious other benefit is we only buy what we need and there's no wastage. (well if you don't count something seasonal that's so cheap I can't resist but I always make use of that with preserving etc.!)

Other than the farmgating, I'm planning on some rest.  Let's see if I actually get it!  Wish me luck!
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3 lovely comments:

PinkPatentMaryJanes on February 12, 2010 at 3:12 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

After such an amazing time you need to recharge and rest. Do something lovely for yourself - spend at least 30 minutes doing something that makes you truly happy and enjoy {may I suggest the very pretty violet cocktail I've just posted on my blog? - that'd do it for me} xx

Katy on February 12, 2010 at 3:15 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I know how you feel! I hope you get some time for yourself this weekend xo

Anonymous said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

hi luv, care to share your menu plan for the month and what meat you are going to buy? pretty please ....... frugalmama xx


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