Wednesday, February 3

10 Food things to do in 2010 - Update 1

So here's my progress, so far...

1. Sushi, never made it, love to eat it.
Yum.  Still on the list - definitely want to make it soon as a lunch option for my 'lunchbox legends' series I'm planning..

2. Baklava - scared to bugger it up, but I'm going to give it a try
found a fabulous recipe - and I think I'm not far off making this one!

3. Brioche - an indulgence, but something I want to make for easter this year
I have the recipe I want to use.. bring on easter!

4. Pastry - want to make some pies and tarts this year - making pastry from scratch
I'm on the lookout for the pie tins I want (and pie weights too) am looking forward to this!

5. Preserve more. I want to preserve 6 things I never have before
OK, I've done some of this!
Preserving Pesto
Home-made spicy tomato sauce (ketchup)
Sweet Pickled Cherry Tomatoes
Easy and Versatile Plum Jam

6. Fondue - I used to make this on a regular basis but haven't for years - going to have a fondue party this year - I've got two fondue pots needing to be utilised.
I think this will be a winter dinner party - perhaps my birthday?

7. Pasta - I want to get the macaroni/pasta maker kitchenaid attachment and dry some pasta, I know it's cheap to buy the pre-made stuff but I'd like to have a go at least.
Money permitting!  I think in the latter half of the year

8. Try 3 Julia Child recipes this year
I think this will be winter endeavour also

9. Make sausages from scratch
Looking forward to this, must start scouting out some ingredients/recipes

10. Discover at least two more direct sources of produce - maybe a few roadtrips are in order. (Hey maybe Lorraine will do the easter chocolate tour!!??!! *blatant hint*)
WELLLL  I have plans - that's all I'm going to say!
Soo, what about you - have you got ONE food thing you can share you want to do in 2010?
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3 lovely comments:

Corinne (aka Rinny of Arabia) on February 3, 2010 at 2:56 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Oooh I love baklava, but would be too scared to make it! Good on you!

T'lia on February 4, 2010 at 10:12 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

re: making pasta. I make my own pasta pretty frequently, and apart from the initial expense of buying the machine (just a $50 pasta roller does the trick really), it's so simple and cheap!

I can't ever go back to regular bought pasta now! Fresh pasta is so much more filling, so it's better value for money that way as well. :-D

Good luck with your list! Can't wait to see the recipes/photos!

Liss on February 4, 2010 at 12:18 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Hi Corrinne! Yes, I know! Scary but I think achievable now.. I think it's about having the *right* recipe IYKWIM?

Welcome T'lia! I currently do make my own pasta and have had a pasta maker for some years - The kitchenaid attachment I'm looking at makes spiralli, penne, macaroni amongst others! It's very cool!

If you're interested:
Home-made Lasagne (June 09):

Homemade gnocchi(May 09):

Homemade Ravioli (April 09):


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