Wednesday, August 19

Word-to-the-wise Wednesday - Shopping Bargains for kids' summer clothes

Well anyone who knows me, knows that my girls nearly exclusively wear Gymboree clothing. Yes, it's not very patriotic I realise, but it is well-made and I can get more 4 items that co-ordinate (especially helpful with three girls and twins at that - saves me A LOT of grief!) and I can get a couple of co-ordinating ranges a season and be done with it - no traipsing around the shops for me! I keep them well and have no issue selling them after we've grown out of them. You can also get everything from head-to-toe - hats, shoes, coats, rainboots, hairclips,pyjamas - you name it.

They also deliver world-wide which is another wonderful thing, and being an aussie, we can buy clothes for our upcoming summer. Tomorrow, circle of friends' promotion is on - which means if you check out with code GYMFAMILY you receive 30% off your order - before shipping is applied - which means your shipping will go down too (shipping is based on $$ spent, not net weight)
Some examples of summer bargains:
For a Size 2 little lady:
Price =7.99(hat)+5.49 (clips)+17.99 (dress)+11.99(shoes)=43.46 less 30% = 30.42 USD for outfit (about $37 AUD!)
For the little man in your life (Size 2)
Cost = 7.49 (hat)+11.49 (shirt)+19.49(denim shorts)+17.49 (sneakers)=55.96 less 30% = 39.17
For the bigger girl (size 6)
9.75(sunglasses)+19.99(dress)+8.00(bracelet)+27.49(glitter ballet flats)=65.23 less 30%=45.66
For the little man (8 years)
6.99(sunglasses)+11.49(tshirt)+19.49(cargo shorts)+24.75=62.72 less 30% = 43.90
Of course you need to add freight but if you order $225 USD (after discount) it's $35 USD to Australia. Go in with some friends!
Current exchange rate is $1 AUD = .8267 USD - so if you were to order $225 USD +35 delivery - 260 USD - you'd be up for $315.50 AUD. It seems like a lot of money - but at prices like above, you can get a lot for that money!

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5 lovely comments:

Aneets on August 19, 2009 at 9:08 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I went through a Gymboree phase but can't get over the fact that you can't see the items in person. I ended up selling 80% of my order on ebay because it didn't live up to the photo online.

The girls stuff is also a tad too girly for my liking. It's very Jack & Milly'esq (brand from Myer).

Finally, I really don't think it's that cheap, esp with the exchage rate. I get way better deals in Myer at their end of season sales.

I will say that the stuff I kept was very well made and will last through numerous kids.

Nisha on August 19, 2009 at 11:41 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Love GYMBO! I have two very active boys and have found that Gymboree offeres them a much nicer range of clothing than the daggy PPatch! The quality is excellent and they arent wearing the same skull and crossbones tshirt that every other kid is in.

Unknown on August 19, 2009 at 3:53 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I shall check it out now
THank you for the code :)
I hope they have newborns clothes!


Raelene on August 20, 2009 at 11:09 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Love your taste Liss. The little girl stuff pretty much all made its way into my basket or was at least on my short list

Liss on August 21, 2009 at 8:51 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I suppose I like girls to look 'girly'. I'm over little girls trying to look like they're 15 or even 25! I also find it REALLY frustrating when I do go shopping, I'm trying to buy something in a similar style (to avoid arguments) in three different colours - almost impossible, and if I do find it, I find only one size of each,when I clearly need two of some things. Gymbo makes my life easy!!

I placed my order yesterday with a friend, and we split the freight - I got 3 pairs of leggings, 4 shirts, 2 pairs of sunnies and 3 pairs of knee-high socks and delivery for AUD129.19 - I think that's a bargain!


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