Monday, August 10

2009 - Half-year report card

Yesterday whilst out with my family, spotted this in the sky and felt compelled to take a photo..
and it got me thinking - so far, how IS 2009?

2009 has been a bit of a change for me on a personal level. I'm on hiatus from working - and I love what I do when I'm working - I'm one of those lucky people. I also love my children dearly but after having gone back last year and love being back and using my brain, my skills and having a bit more personal and financial freedom only to go back in reverse has been a bit of a shock to the system. It's not doom and gloom though! The market is too unpredictable and my childcare costs are just crazy for this kind of market...

But this year is my last year with my three girls at home, and with all this adjustment, now, in August I'm starting to savour it. Love it even.

Healthwise 2009 has been really good - not that I'm usually a 'sickie' but last year I was still recovering emotionally (and physically) from my hysterectomy. My recovery is ongoing mentally, but I'm in a much better place.

Relationship-wise me and hubby are solid, although we really do need some time alone. Time to reconnect. I really want to work on this.

So all-in-all the reportcard so far for 2009 is great... and although 2008 was pretty good in other ways when I think back since 2006 our VERY tough year (with an 18 month old and newborn twins), 2007 healthwise sucked, 2008 improved and 2009 changes but positive - it's great to appreciate that we've made it through some tough times - there are many good times ahead.

If you had a 2009 half-year reportcard - what would it say?
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4 lovely comments:

carly on August 10, 2009 at 1:10 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

i think this year has flown by but i think everything has been fine.

life [general] - good. getting better marks at uni. occasional stress out. but to be expected. the light at the end of the tunnel is looking closer. things are starting to work out. no jobs but im okay with that. applying for a research assistant position soon. fingers crossed.

love - great. sure we fight. but who doesnt? i think we are closer than what we were. miss my family but i see them when i get the chance.

health - havent really been sick sick to be honest. boyfriend [might have] had swine flu and i didnt get sick at all. surprise surprise. though my prac starts 31st august and im with bubbas so again fingers crossed.

so overall for me a great 6 months. few hiccups but nothing major!


Kylez..aka...Mrs.P! on August 10, 2009 at 8:31 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

2009 has flown by! I thought last year went fast, what with planning a wedding and everything, but this year has gone so much quicker!

It's been a good year, much more stress-free than last year and hubby and I have really been able to appreciate living together in our own place without the stress of a wedding hanging over us (we bought the house a year before the wedding, almmost to the day!)

Work has been up and down, I love what I do, but there are certain elements that can make it really hard and I've toyed with the idea of finding something new, but the conveninece of the living 3 mins from work and working with BOOKS keeps me there.

Health has been ok, except for the putting on of weight I lost for the wedding. After depriving myself of all sweets and treats last year it's been pretty hard to control myself this year, but hubby and I made a pact on our anniversary that we are going to get fit and healthy again, so fingers crossed..

All in all in't been a pretty good year. I hope you have a fabulous rest of the year Liss and get that time with your husband that you crave. hanks fr sharing

Reality Raver on August 11, 2009 at 8:47 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Fantastic looking blog. My first born will be starting school next year as well.

I have to confess I am kind of looking forward to it.

Lilli on August 14, 2009 at 3:20 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

I saw that from my front yard! I love that now two people have posted that.

2009 has been a fantastic year for me. I've really grown in my relationship and on my own as well....not to mention as a mummy to Lilli :)

But of course all my report cards have to say "talks too much in class" and "can try harder".


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