Like most people, life gets the better of you at times and you find yourself 'dealing' with something - the kids' latest issue, the lack of time in the day, the lack of money, motivation, sleep - whatever - and just sometimes a number of these things collide and you're on the whole feeling a bit negative. Frustrated.
I've been one of those people of late, probably the last month or two - (I'm sure it has to do with the weather!) I was starting to feel suffocated with negativity. But you know what? Life's pretty good.
I am pretty healthy
I have three beautiful, healthy children
My husband loves me and is so supportive, I am so lucky.
I have family in my life. It means a lot.
We have good friends, and although I don't have as much time for them as I would like - they understand.
We live in a wonderful country, and wonderful city - we are so fortunate to live in a democratic society with such abundant beauty and opportunity.
I'm loving our local community.
I interact with so many intelligent women on a daily basis. Ones that challenge me, inspire me, amuse me. GET ME.
Is life pretty good for you too?
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6 lovely comments:
It is pretty easy to get bogged down in the negativity.
I'm tired. I don't have enough money...
It takes an effort to look on the bright side. It's something I really try to do each day. I know it's all up to me.
I have a lovely life. I know I do. I chose to appreciate it, and be thankful for it all. Because you never what might happen. x
Absolutely right! Life is great and it often takes someone or something to remind you of how lucky one is and how good things really are :)
So true. It's such a seemingly simple thing - to reflect on the good stuff - even just for a minute a day. My mum taught me to do this every day, and it's more of a habit than anything (my own pollyanna glad game) but I think it's why I am genuinely happy. Sure, some things get you down now and then, but there's always something to feel grateful for.
Chin up!
That has always been my motto, because no matter how green the grass looks in someone else's life your grass looks greener to them. :)
you are so, so right...
It is so easy to get lost in the "whoah is life is terrible", when it is anything but.
I recently lost someone very close it really does make you stop and appreciate life for it can be so fleeting.
Glad you are feeling better x
I hear you, and you're right, it's good to sit down and think how good we DO have it.
I seriously think S.A.D. is a real thing!!! I'm over Winter, and it's been a rough one too.
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