Wednesday, May 13

We're bookaneers!

Last Friday we took our first trip to the library. I really haven't stepped foot in library since days of study yeeaaaaaaaars ago and we have tiny little community library right near the park. I didn't hold out any great hope there would be many books for me or the kids but looks can be deceiving. It's a great little library. I think there's at least 200 books that would suit my girl's age - DVD's, toys - and a little room with big cushions they can sit and read whilst I can browse.

We joined up and can take out 4 books each - I borrowed one, the kids borrowed 10 between them so we've had a 'new' bed-time story every night. We've borrowed books I haven't seen at the book shop - a lot of Pamela Allen and a few Mem Fox... Mr McGee and the Blackberry Jam and the Potato People have been standouts so far.

We're back again this Friday. Looking forward to it.

On a related topic, we watched Sesame Street today (so good for 3-4 year olds in particular, a great consolidator of the letters, sounds and numbers we're learning to read and write) and Tina Fey made an appearance as the Pirate Captain- with her 'Book-aneers' from the 'Care-to-be-readin' (Caribbean). An entertaining watch for the kids AND the parents. Lots of those jokes that the parents would be getting more out of than the kids.

Well worth a watch:

It was a really good thing for us to watch given the start of our relationship with the local library!

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2 lovely comments:

Kat on May 13, 2009 at 5:46 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

we love our library, we've been going since Miss T was a wee one, did the baby rhyme time thing, both girls loved it.

ginchyworld on May 13, 2009 at 7:41 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

We love our local library too. Bella gets to pick (with a great deal of help :P) 4 new books every 3 weeks. They've got a surprising amount of Pamela Allen books too!


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