Thursday, May 21

Make it from Scratch!

I have recently discovered the online blog carnival scene... this is basically a place to congregate and share ideas of a similar nature and periodically a blog who shares will host the congregation of ideas.

The carnival I'm loving and participating in is the 'Make it from Scratch' carnival.

Last week it was hosted by Mama Bear at Gotalittlespacetofill - and I shared my recipe for Peach Jam.

This week it is hosted by Carrie at ItsFrugalBeingGreen - and I shared my recipe for the Easiest, Laziest Chocolate Cake.

I'll certainly be submitting an entry next week at for what, I'm not sure yet... perhaps my pickles? My gnocchi? If you would like to join me you can submit here, don't forget to link it on your blog or follow it, it's a handy little site!

You can submit it for craft or gardening too...

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1 lovely comments:

Meagan on May 21, 2009 at 11:37 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Can you submit each of them? Yum!


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