Sunday, December 26

The great holiday meal - quickie dinner with leftovers that convert into salad!

Happy boxing day! I hope your Christmas was fabulous, Santa was good to you and you got to sit back and relax and enjoy the day with your family.

This Christmas and indeed summer I find I want quick and easy meals because there's so much rushing around but I still do like to cut my effort in half sometimes and have some leftovers.  This recipe is currently a favourite I've been knocking out of the kitchen since spring and recently tasted the leftovers cold and I jazz it up into a salad.

Chorizo Pasta / Chorizo pasta salad
5 smoked chorizos, diced in roughly 1cm pieces
1 large or 2 medium red onions, roughly diced
1 clove garlic
leaves from 1sprig rosemary
2 x400g tin diced tomatoes
2 tb tomato paste
1 cup sliced mushrooms
5 cups cooked pasta of your choice (I used spiralli)

For salad
1 1/2 cups rocket

In a heavy based saucepan or large frypan heat some oil in the bottom of the pan and cook untils until tender.

Add chorizos, garlic and rosemary and mushrooms and cook for about 5 minutes until chorizos soften slightly.

Add tin tomatoes plus 1 tin of water and tomato paste, simmer for about 10 minutes until lovely and saucy...

Lastly add pasta and simmer for a little longer until the sauce hugs the pasta.


Now for your salad, cool completely and mix through your rocket... double delish!

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