Monday, December 13

OK, it's feeling a bit more like Christmas...

Man, it has been busy around my place this past week - with school finishing up, playgroup finishing up, the countdown to two-certain-girls 5th birthday, My Nanny being in hospital, Carols and doing two markets in two weeks I'm ready for a holiday.   So sorry if it seems like there's not a lot going on around here - it's just a bit crazy!

Here's some photos of the week!

Some of our lights-  hubby isn't finished and hasn't even put up our inflatables yet either!

You all know I love red right?

We hear people slam on the brakes and slow down to pass our house, it's cool!

This is the Bubblebubs/Cute Tooshies stall at Billycart Markets on Saturday - cute huh?

This is from Carols last night

Daddy and Olivia wore 'Bah-Humbug' hats which wasn't exactly festive and got a few looks, but we think they're fun!

Eloise coming on stage for her performance with her class 'the 12 Aussie days of Christmas'

Eloise insisted that I make her a red and green dress - because our red and green dress at home is mostly blue - and she seemed pretty insistent so I quickly made this one yesterday morning and I'm glad i did because all the class were outfitted head to toe in red and green!
Was feeling a little nostalgic at the end of the performance because this being Eloise's kindy class we've all been 'initiated' together and they're a tight little group - can't believe they've been in school a year already - they've grown up so much!   This performance they did without music or direction and it also showed how they worked as a team and had confidence to perform in front of hundreds of people - proud Mama!

This is the action to 'and a Kookaburra in a gum tree' (as opposed to a partridge in a pear tree) Got a lot of laughs!

And like every school concert there's always one keen sibling - this is one of our neighbours, 2 year old Lara who decided to join her big sister on the stage mid performance.  Very cute and entertaining!

And finally here's our Santa photo - done impromptu obviously by the attire and this is only the second year we've been able to convince them all to have a photo with Santa!

So is your Christmas crazy like ours - 2 more weeks of crazy on its way!
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6 lovely comments:

Corrie on December 13, 2010 at 8:31 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

yes its crazy here! crazy! santa photos will be next sunday - we have to get in the photo so need to make sure everyone is dressed up

love the dress you made! gorgeous

you have been busy! I'm doing fruit cakes this afternoon so will feel christmassy then


Cate on December 13, 2010 at 10:37 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Yes, crazy here too!!! Tis the Season!!!

Love the Santa photo - we had ours done last week - I have a tradition with Santa photos - have not missed one for 22 years!!! I tell them they have to keep it up until the last one is 21!!!

Christie on December 13, 2010 at 1:18 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

That Santa photo is awesome, maybe the impromptu ones make for the best ones!

Tiane said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

That is such a great Santa photo and even though impromptu, I do love how all their clothes coordinate :D Gorgeous!

Belinda on December 13, 2010 at 9:30 PM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!!!!
I hope Nanny is ok? X

Christie - Childhood 101 on December 14, 2010 at 12:05 AM said... [Reply to this amazing comment]

You DO like red! Loving your Christmas spirit x


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