" I just noticed you do not follow me back, please follow me or I have 2 take you of my list as i have reached my follow limit "
Now this read a bit weird to me. I haven't heard of this person, I don't know this person. Perhaps they were following me, sometimes I don't have time to check who is. Maybe I should? I followed because I felt I had snubbed someone.. but then I had thoughts like 'hang on, this is stupid!' I'll unfollow and then look them up later when I know who I'm following, do I want to follow people like this? All the expectation is why I don't do facebook!!
On a positive note, I received a lovely Direct Message tweet from Henry Roth on the weekend who I do follow (and now follows me without me even having threatened him!) and enjoy living vicariously through.
I mean seriously, what a lovely thing to say right? Warmed my heart and put a skip in my step for the rest of the day.1henryroth hey there, just looked up your blog AND how adorable are you and your family, henry x